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January 25, 2006
Minutes of the special meeting of the Economic Development Commission held on Wednesday, January 25, 2006 in the Multi-Purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  Chairman Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:30p.m.
PRESENT:  Chet Hopper, Ted Kreinik, Robert Rau, Kim Danziger, Chuck Stofko and Tom Long. ABSENT: Brian Aumueller, Bruce Walczak, Joe Hemingway. ALSO PRESENT: Director of Community Development Elizabeth Stocker, Town Attorney Dave Grogins, businessman Rich Reilly.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. The minutes of November 15, 2005 will be amended to note after executive session “community” not “economic” development director. Upon motion of Mr. Danziger, the minutes were unanimously accepted as amended.

Communications. None noted.

Tech Park – Discussion of possible options. Attorney Grogins said that under the present Charter the disposal of town-owned real estate must be by public auction. He said that after a subdivision is approved by Planning and Zoning, the EDC could be appointed by either the Legislative Council or a town meeting as the municipal development authority for this property. He will research whether it is the Council or a town meeting that must establish this authority. Mr. Grogins will have to research whether creating a municipal development authority would affect the $500,000 grant the Town received from the State for this property. Mr. Grogins said that a plan must be developed under State statutes in order to created a municipal development authority. He said that covenants and restrictions on the land could be instituted. Cohen and Wolf will research whether the Army Corps has to be involved.

New Business

Biodiesel process and future. Mr. Rich Reilly said that biodiesel is a non-toxic, biodegradable fuel. Vegetable oil is used to create methylester. It has 50% of the particulate matter of diesel, 80% reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and 100% reduction in sulfur emissions. There is 5-10% more nitrous oxide in a diesel engine. Use of biodiesel in a home heating system results in 10% nitrous oxide. Mr. Reilly would like to start a biodiesel business in Newtown. Town vehicles could use biodiesel without any modifications. Mr. Reilly said that finding a site for a plant and financing are issues. Ten thousand square feet is needed for a plant. At this point he is looking for financing.


SMT Incentive. The Legislative Council approved the application of SMT for a business incentive plan. This is the first company that the Town has offered the program to.

Director of Community Development. Ms. Stocker distributed “Status of Commercial and Industrial Development (A).

Old Business

Review of EDC Website. Mr. Long will discuss assisting with the website with Ms. Stocker and the technicians.

Strategic Plan – Review assignments and actions.  Mr. Rau attended a seminar in Hartford on business incubators. He said that there is interest but no money at the state level. He said that there is a Connecticut Nanotechnology Initiative and he is looking for an opportunity for Newtown to participate.

Mr. Kreinik asked that the Commission consider initiatives to retain and attract cell phone businesses.

Tech Park – Market Study. Mr. Danziger suggested that the Commission visit various technology parks. Ms. Stocker will provide information on the parks that are selected.

Mr. Danziger suggested that EDC go to the Board of Selectmen to request that EDC be appointed as the Newtown municipal development authority. The matter will be tabled for further discussion at the next meeting.

New Business. None noted.

Adjournment.  Upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned at 10:15  p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk